The MATH+ Spotlight talks aim to strengthen the connections between ongoing research projects in MATH+ and keep MATH+ members up to date with what’s currently happening in the Cluster. They are meant to foster relations between and across Applications Areas and Emerging Fields as well as Partnership projects. At the same idea, BMS Phase I students can get ideas for their dissertation topics. In each talk, the (post) doctoral researchers from the projects shine a spotlight onto their scientific work.
What: | A 30 min talk from and about one of the projects in MATH+ followed by 15 min of Q&A |
When: | Wednesdays at 11:30 a.m. |
How often: | Every two weeks during the lecture period |
Where: | Online |
Schedule for the summer semester 2025:
23 April: Ye-Chao Liu (AA2-19): Entanglement Detection via Frank-Wolfe Algorithms
07 May: Zachary Adams (EF45-5): A New Approach to Metastability in Multi-Agent Systems
21 May: Franziska Eberle (MATH+ Junior Research Group Leader): Demand Strip Packing
04 June: Moritz Grillo (AA3-12): On the Expressivity of Neural Networks
18 June: Ségolène Martin (AA5-8): Convolutional Brenier Generative Networks
02 July: Sebastian Zimper (EF45-1) Informing Opinion Dynamics Models with Online Social Network Data
16 July: Mikhail Kirilin (AA5-11): Data-Adaptive Discretization of Inverse Problems
Schedule for the winter semester 2024/25:
23 October: Arsen Hnatiuk (AA4-14): An Inexact Generalized Conditional Gradient Method
06 November: Ioannis Papadopoulos (Dirichlet Postdoc): A Semismooth Newton Method for Obstacle-Type Quasivariational Inequalities
20 November: Martin Winter (Dirichlet Postdoc): Rigidity and Reconstruction of Convex Polytopes via Wachspress Geometry
04 December: Fabian Lehmann (Dirichlet Postdoc): Can We Use Computers to Find Canonical Riemannian Metrics?
18 December: Jan Marten Sevenster: Computational Aspects of Quadratic Forms in Determining the Representation Type of Quiver Algebras
15 January: Anh Duc Vu (EF45-3): Data Transmission in Contact-Based Models
29 January: Lasse Ermoneit (AA2-17): Coherent Transport of Semiconductor Spin-Qubits: Modeling, Simulation and Optimal Control
12 February: Kristina Maier (EF45-4): Hybrid Models for Large Scale Infection Spread Simulations
Schedule for the summer semester 2024:
24 April: Paulina Bock de Barillas (AA4-7): Decision-Making for Energy Network Dynamics
08 May: Deborah Hendrych (AA3-15): Solving the Optimal Experiment Design Problem with mixed-integer convex methods
22 May: Olaf Müller: What Is a Spacetime and What Is It Good for? cancelled
05 June: Tim Jahn (MATH+ Junior Research Group Leader): Early Stopping of Untrained Convolutional Networks
19 June: Julius Mayer (EF3-13): A Soft-Correspondence Approach to Shape Analysis
03 July: Robert Gruhlke (AA5-5): Generative Modelling with Tensor Train Approximations of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman Equations
10 July – Special: Anna Ransiek (MATH+ as a Research Object): Does Gender Still Matter? Perspectives of Scientists in Leadership Position and Early Career Researchers on Academic Careers in Mathematics.
17 July: Kamillo Ferry (AA3-16): Likelihood Geometry of Max-Linear Bayesian Networks
Schedule for the winter semester 2023/24:
25 October: Tobias Paul (EF4-7): The Impact of Dormancy on the Evolutionary, Ecological and Pathogenic Properties of Microbial Populations
08 November: Zahra Mokhtari (EF4-10): Coherent Movements in Co-evolving Agent–Message Systems
22 November: Thibaut Mazuir (Dirichlet Postdoc): Homotopy associative algebras in Morse theory
06 December: Maximilian Schade (AA4-1): PDAEs with Uncertainties for the Analysis, Simulation and Optimization of Energy Networks
20 December: Lutz Mertenskötter (AA2-13): Data-Driven Stochastic Modeling of Semiconductor Lasers
10 January: Luisa Plato (AA2-12): Nonlinear Electrokinetics in Anisotropic Microfluids – Analysis, Simulation, and Optimal Control
24 January: Luca Pelizzari (AA4-2): Optimal Control in Energy Markets Using Rough Analysis and Deep Networks
07 February: Aldo Kiem (EF1-21): Scaling up Flag Algebras in Combinatorics
Schedule for the summer semester 2023:
19 April: Fabian Altekrüger (EF3-7): The Power of Patches for Training Normalizing Flows
03 May: Luca Donati (AA1-15): Efficient Estimation of Transition Rates as Functions of pH
10 May – Special: Heike Solga (MATH+ as a Research Object): Gender Bias in W1 and W3 Professor Recruitment: Does Discipline Matter?
17 May: Omar Kebiri (EF4-6): Model Reduction and Uncertainty Quantification of Multiscale Diffusion with Parameter Uncertainties Using Nonlinear Expectations
31 May: Maximilian J. Stahlberg (EF5-6): Evolution Models for Historical Networks
14 June: Svenja M. Griesbach (AA3-9): Information Design for Bayesian Networks
28 June: Olaf Parczyk (EF1-12): Learning Extremal Structures in Combinatorics
12 July: Ilja Klebanov (EF1-10): Kernel Ensemble Kalman Filter and Inference
Schedule for the winter semester 2022/23:
19 October: Margarita Kostré (EF5-2): Romanization spreading on interregional networks in Northern Tunisia
02 November: Zev Woodstock (EF1, EF1-23): On a Frank-Wolfe Approach for Abs-Smooth Optimization
16 November: N. Alexia Raharinirina (EF5-4): Tensor Correspondence Analysis (CA) – A multidisciplinary investigation of linguistic changes in Ancient Egypt
30 November: Kartikey Sharma (AA1): Dynamic Capacity Management for Deferred Surgeries
14 December: Sarah Hiller (EF5-3): Responsibility without Causation – Probability Raising as an Independent Desert Base
11 January: Aswin Kannan (MATH+ Junior Research Group Leader) (AA4-11): Multiobjective Learning in Solar Energy Prediction: Benefits and Algorithms
25 January: Ariane Ernst (AA1-5): Space-Time Stochastic Models for Neurotransmission Processes
08 February: Guillermo Olicón Méndez (AA1-8): Random Bifurcations in Chemical Reaction Networks
Schedule for the summer semester 2022:
27 April: Guillaume Sagnol (MATH+ Junior Research Group Leader): Optimizing the operation theatre
11 May: Henri Elad Altman (Dirichlet Postdoc): Long-time behaviour of additive functionals of rough stochastic processes through local times
01 June: Fabian Telschow (MATH+ Junior Research Group Leader) EF3-10: True Excursion Discovery Inference for Imaging Data
15 June: Johannes Zonker – EF5-1: Mathematical modeling of spatio-temporal population dynamics
29 June: Letícia Mattos (Dirichlet Postdoc): Clique packings in random graphs
13 July: David Martínez-Rubio (EF1-14): Fast Algorithms for Packing Proportional Fairness and its Dual
Schedule for the winter semester 2021/22:
27 October: Zeno Schätzle – AA2-8: Deep Backflow for Accurate Solution of the Electronic Schrödinger Equation
10 November: Paul Hager – AA4-2: Optimal Control in Energy Markets Using Rough Analysis and Deep Networks
24 November: Felipe Galarce – EF3-9: Mathematical Framework for MR Poroelastography
08 December: Felix Günther – EF2-1: Smooth Discrete Surfaces
12 January: Marvin Lücke – EF4-8: Concentration Effects and Collective Variables in Agent-Based Systems
26 January: Jonathan Leake (Dirichlet Postdoc): Approximate Counting and Volume via Entropy Optimization
09 February: Maximilian Engel (MATH+ Junior Research Group Leader) – Synchronization and Chaos for Random Systems: General insights and application to chemical reaction models
Schedule for the summer semester 2021:
21 April: Luzie Helfmann – EF4-2: Understanding Tipping and Other Dynamical Transitions in Systems Containing Human Agents
05 May: Kostas Papafitsoros – EF3-5: Direct Reconstruction of Biophysical Parameters Using Dictionary Learning and Robust Regularization
19 May: Daniel Schmidt genannt Waldschmidt – AA3-6: Stochastic Scheduling with Restricted Adaptivity
02 June: Michael Quellmalz – EF3-6: Deformation Based Regularization of Inverse Problems on Manifolds
16 June: Mattes Mollenhauer – AA 1-2: Learning Transition Manifolds and Effective Dynamics of Biomolecules
30 June: Antonia Chmiela – EF1-9: Adaptive Algorithms through Machine Learning: Exploiting Interactions in Integer Programming
14 July: Markus Kantner: AA2-13: Modelling and Optimization of Semiconductor Lasers for Quantum Metrology Applications