Transforming the World

through Mathematics

Berlin Mathematics Research Center

MATH+, the Berlin Mathematics Research Center, is a cross-institutional and interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence. It sets out to explore and further develop new approaches in application-oriented mathematics. Emphasis is placed on mathematical principles for using ever larger amounts of data in life and material sciences, in energy and network research, and in the humanities and social sciences.


MATH+ is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany´s Excellence Strategy (EXC-2046/1, project ID 390685689) for a first period of seven years since January 2019. It is a joint project of the three major universities in Berlin – Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin – as well as the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) and the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB). MATH+ continues the success stories of the renowned Research Center Matheon and the Excellence-Graduate School Berlin Mathematical School (BMS).


YAM Fellows 2024-25 @MATH+/BMS

MATH+ Welcomes New Cohort of YAM Fellows for 2024/25

We are delighted to introduce Sintia Laura Nyaffi Achikwoue, Gil Wilfried Laken Kouatche, and Sergio Germain Tinaharimanjaka as the second cohort of MATH+ YAM Fellows in the Young African Mathematicians (YAM) Fellowship Program for the academic year 2024/25. Welcome to the MATH+ community!


Science Slam 2024 @BerlinScienceWeek

07 November – “Science Slam” with Two MATH+ Participants @BerlinScienceWeek

As in previous years, the Berlin Clusters of Excellence are once again teaming up to organize again a “SCIENCE SLAM” for Berlin Science Week 2024 on 07 November. The Science Slam has always attracted a lot of interest in the research coming out of the participating Clusters of Excellence. Don't miss the chance to see Berlin’s youngest and brightest scientists on stage.

MATHINSIDE am 07. November 2024

In der Vortragsreihe MATHINSIDE geben Wissenschaftler*innen des Exzellenzclusters MATH+ spannende Einblicke in ihre Forschungsarbeit und in die Anwendungsgebiete der Mathematik. Das Vortragsprogramm eignet sich hervorragend als Ausflugsziel für Schulklassen und -kurse ab Klassenstufe 10. Am 14.03.2024 gibt es Vorträge von Christof Schütte, Antonia Chmiela und Konstantin Fackeldey.
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