AA5 – Variational Problems in Data-Driven Applications


AA5-5 (was EF1-25)

Wasserstein Gradient Flows for Generalised Transport in Bayesian Inversion

Project Heads

Martin Eigel, Claudia Schillings, Gabriele Steidl

Project Members

Robert Gruhlke

Project Duration

01.01.2023 − 31.12.2024

Located at

FU Berlin


Generalised gradient Wasserstein flows connect measure transport and interacting particle systems. The project combines the analysis of efficient numerical methods for gradient flows, associated SDEs and compressed functional approximations in the context of Bayesian inversion with parametric PDEs and image reconstruction tasks.

External Website

Related Publications

  • Eigel, M., Gruhlke, R., & Sommer, D. (2024). Less interaction with forward models in Langevin dynamics: Enrichment and Homotopy. SIADS, to appear.


  • Eigel, M., Gruhlke, R., Kirstein M., Schillings C. & Sommer, D. (2024). Generative Modelling with Tensor Train approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. arXiv preprint, arXiv:2402.15285.


  • Gruhlke, R.,  Miranda, C., Nouy, A. & Trunschke, P. (2024). Optimal Sampling for stochastic and natural gradient descent. arXiv preprint,  arXiv:2402.03113.


  • Gruhlke, R., Moser, D. (2024). Automatic differentiation within hierachical tensor formats. (in preparation)


  • Gruhlke, R., Kaarnioja V. and Schillings, C. (2024). Quasi-Monte Carlo meets kernel cubature. (in preparation)


  • Gruhlke, R. and Hertrich, J. (2024). Neural JKO Sampling with Importance Correction. (in preparation)


  • Gruhlke, R. and Resseguier, V. (2024). Diffusion models with multiplicative noise and rotational invariant distributions. (in preparation)


  • Berner, J., Gruhlke, R., Richter, L. and Sommer, D. (2024). Pathwise tensor train approximation of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations: A BSDE perspective. (in preparation)


  • Guth, P., Gruhlke, R., Schillings, C. (2024). One-shot manifold learning for design of experiment. (in preparation)

Related Media

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Generative modeling: From Gaussian to Multimodality

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