Transforming the World

through Mathematics



MATH+ Student Assistant/Employee (m/f/d) for Social Media & Events

Are you interested in social media, creating captivating science content, and organizing exciting science events? Join the MATH+ team at TU Berlin to help manage our social media channels, edit images and videos, and bring science reports and events like the Science Pub Quiz and Science Slam to life. We are excited to see your application!
Sven Wang (HU Berlin) Elected to Junge Akademie

Sven Wang Elected to “Junge Akademie”

Sven Wang, MATH+ member and Junior Professor at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, has been elected to the "Junge Akademie," a recognition that underscores his contributions to mathematics and his interdisciplinary approach. In an interview with MATH+, he talked about his research interests, and love for mathematics and music.
Certificate Ceremony, MATH+ Dissertation Award

MATH+ Dissertation Award Winners 2023

In cooperation with the Einstein Foundation Berlin, the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) of the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ awards up to three annual prizes for outstanding dissertations to BMS graduates. We are delighted that the MATH+ Dissertation Award 2023 have been presented to Viorel Andrei Bud, Toyomu Matsuda, and Arturo Merino for their excellent theses.
Exzellentes Pub Quiz – LNDW 2024

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften: „Exzellentes Pub Quiz“ an TU Berlin

Das „Exzellente Pub Quiz“ bei der „Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024” an der TU Berlin war ein großer Erfolg! Veranstaltet wurde es wie schon im letzten Jahr von den sieben Berliner Exzellenzclustern mit Fragen aus ihren Forschungsbereichen. 39 Teams wetteiferten in zwei Quiz-Runden mit insgesamt ca. 130 Teilnehmenden um den Gewinn und großartige Preise.