Jan 17 – Bhargav Narayanan: Thresholds

When does a random graph contain a perfect matching? Or a Hamilton cycle? The answers to such problems, referred to as "thresholds", have been the central concern of the study of random discrete structures. A general guess for the location of the threshold for any

Jan 9 – First Hot Topic Talk

The MATH+ Activity Group „Mathematics of Data Science” is presenting the first Hot Topic Talk on 9th January 2020: Erik Vanden-Eijnden will speak about “Trainability and accuracy of artificial neural networks”. The talk will take place at 4:15 pm at the ZIB Lecture Hall,

Dec 13 – Math+ Day

On 13th December 2019, the first MATH+ Day will take place in Urania Berlin. The research activities in the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ are manifold. With the annual MATH+ Day we want to provide an information and networking opportunity for all members. Here, all projects

Breaking the Walls of Ignorance

On November 18 and 19, an international Colloquium celebrates Rupert Klein’s 60th Birthday at Zuse Institute Berlin. Congratulations! Rupert Klein is Professor for Numerical Fluid Mechanics at FU Berlin and member of the MATH+ Board. His research interests are in the fields of atmosphere flows,

Nov 06 – MATH+ @ Berlin Science Week

On Nov 01, the 4th Berlin Science Week will kick off. For ten days, scientists from Berlin and around the world will present their research and discuss it with each other and with the public. MATH+ is part of that event: 01 Nov, 7 p.m.