18 November – MATH Day 2022

On 18 November, the next MATH+ Day will take place in person again at TU Berlin! We’ll start with the General Assembly (GA) in TU’s main building: besides the Chair report, a new Chair and Board will be elected. Afterwards, we’ll move to the Math

10 November – Science Slam @Berlin Science Week

Young scientists of the Berlin Clusters of Excellence try everything to entertain their audience at the SCIENCE SLAM, regardless of whether the subject is mathematics (MATH+), neuroscience (NeuroCure), principles of intelligence (SCIoI), catalysis networks (UniSysCat), or political constitutions (SCRIPTS). The audience decides which presentation is

4 November – Peter Scholze: Condensed Mathematics

In joint work with Dustin Clausen, the talk will introduce a potential replacement for topological spaces, called condensed sets, which resolves many of these foundational issues. Scholze will try to explain what condensed sets are, and how they improve on topological spaces. Peter Scholze is