MATH+ Incubator Projects were short-term 12-month projects that aimed to generate the potential for innovation. These projects were expected to have a high potential impact within the MATH+ Topic Development Lab by advancing fundamental mathematics or building new bridges within mathematics or with closely related disciplines. Incubator projects were expected to have a lasting impact in terms of new research directions and fields. Incubator Projects could only be applied for from 2019-2022.
In 2022, the following Incubator Projects were still active:
MATH+ Incubator Projects were short-term projects that aim to generate the potential for innovation. In a first round in 2020, Incubator Projects ran in two tracks:
Track A: Projects that progress theory by advancing fundamental mathematics or build new bridges within mathematics or with closely related disciplines. These projects have a high potential of impact within the MATH+ Topic Development Lab, preferably in conjunction with one of the past or future Thematic Einstein Semesters.
Track B: Interdisciplinary projects together with a strong partner from other scientific disciplines. These projects have a high potential of opening up novel perspectives on the fruitful interplay of mathematics with other disciplines.
Incubator projects were expected to have lasting impact in terms of new research directions and fields.
Track A
Track B
The success of the format of Incubator Projects is reflected by new research projects originating from them:
The following former ECMath research projects were being continued until the end of 2019 with the aim to re-bundle research activities and possibly integrate them into the MATH+ research agenda:
Clinical Research and Health Care (CH)
Metropolitan Infrasctructure (MI)
Optical Technologies (OT)
Sustainable Energies (SE)
Education and Outreach (EO)