Application Area 2 “Nano and Quantum Technologies”
For the transition from basic research to real-world applications, numerous challenges in the engineering of photonic and quantum technological devices need to be tackled, to which applied mathematics is making valuable contributions. Consistent multi-scale mathematical modeling and robust simulation tools have been indispensable in this process. Emerging applications such as qubits in quantum processors, ultranarrow linewidth lasers, quantum photonic devices and circuits require the extension of state-of-the art approaches by stochastic and data-driven methods as well as optimization. Future research in AA2 will support progress in this field, further strengthening the huge expertise of mathematical research in Berlin in the modeling, simulation and optimization of opto-electronic devices and materials science.
AA2 is focused on mathematical models that involve coupled hierarchies of multiple scales and physical regimes and that require a huge variety of mathematical tools. Typically, models are given by systems of PDEs. Efficient and reliable numerical schemes and analytical results, developed in AA2, are based on sound thermodynamical modeling, in particular the consistent coupling of quantum mechanical and classical descriptions.
Previous denomination of AA2 (2019-2022): Materials, Light, Devices
Projects marked with an asterisk (*) are short-term one-year pilot projects.
Scientists in Charge: Uwe Bandelow, Ralf Kornhuber, Barbara Zwicknagl
- AA2-13: Data-Driven Stochastic Modeling of Semiconductor Lasers
Uwe Bandelow, Markus Kantner, Wilhelm Stannat, Hans Wenzel
- AA2-16: Tailored Entangled Photon Sources for Quantum Technology
Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein
- AA2-17: Coherent Transport of Semiconductor Spin-Qubits: Modeling, Simulation and Optimal Control
Tobias Breiten, Markus Kantner, Thomas Koprucki
- AA2-18: Pareto-Optimal Control of Quantum Thermal Devices with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Paolo Erdmann
- AA2-19: Entanglement Detection via Frank-Wolfe Algorithms
Sébastien Designolle, Sebastian Pokutta
- AA2-20: Coarse-Graining Electrons in Quantum Systems
Frank Noé, Cecilia Clementi
- AA2-21: Strain Engineering for Functional Heterostructures: Aspects of Elasticity
Annegret Glitzky, Matthias Liero, Barbara Zwicknagl
AA2 Seminar on Materials, Light, Devices: AA2 Research Seminar
Successfully completed projects:
- AA2-1: Hybrid Models for the Electrothermal Behavior of Organic Semiconductor Devices
Annegret Glitzky, Matthias Liero
- AA2-2: Excitonic Energy Transport in Conjugated Polymer Chains
Rupert Klein
- AA2-3: Quantum-Classical Simulation of Quantum Dot Nanolasers
Uwe Bandelow
- AA2-4: Modeling and Analysis of Suspension Flows
Volker Mehrmann, Dirk Peschka, Matthias Rosenau, Marita Thomas, Barbara Wagner
- AA2-5: Data-Driven Electronic Structure Calculations for Nanostructures
Thomas Koprucki, Alexander Mielke
- AA2-6: Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Material Electrocatalysis
Jürgen Fuhrmann, Manuel Landstorfer
- AA2-7: Sparse Deep Neuronal Networks for the Design of Solar Energy Materials
Andrea Walther, Stephan Schmidt, Bernd Rech, Eva Unger
- AA2-8: Deep Backflow for Accurate Solution of the Electronic Schrödinger Equation
Jan Hermann, Jens Eisert, Frank Noé
- AA2-9: Variational Methods for Viscoelastic Flows and Gelation
Dirk Peschka, Matthias Rosenau, Marita Thomas, Barbara Wagner
- AA2-10: Electro-Mechanical Coupling for Semiconductor Devices
Patricio Farrell, Annegret Glitzky, Matthias Liero, Barbara Zwicknagl
- AA2-11: Multiscale Analysis of Exciton-Phonon Dynamics
Rupert Klein
- AA2-12: Nonlinear Electrokinetics in Anisotropic Microfluids – Analysis, Simulation, and Optimal Control
Etienne Emmrich, Dietmar Hömberg, Robert Lasarzik
- AA2-14*: Chiral Light-Matter Interaction for Quantum Photonic Devices
Sven Burger, Stephan Reitzenstein
- AA2-15*: Random Alloy Fluctuations in Semiconductors
Thomas Koprucki, Christian Bayer