AA2 – Nano and Quantum Technologies



Coarse-Graining Electrons in Quantum Systems

Project Heads

Frank Noé, Cecilia Clementi

Project Members

Matej Mezera

Project Duration

01.01.2024 − 31.12.2025

Located at

FU Berlin


Building on our recent advances in deep learning methodology for coarse-graining molecular dynamics and obtaining high-accuracy solutions for the electronic Schrödinger equation, we will derive a methodology to systematically and generally derive optimal coarse-grained Schrödinger equations with less electronic degrees of freedom and solve them with high accuracy.

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Exploring the idea of environment-aware pseudopotentials, represented by a neural network that takes into account the molecular environment around the atom.

Valence-only wavefunction density of the BeH molecule at equilibrium distance. The two core electrons (not shown in this plot) are located close to the Be nucleus while the valence electrons form a dispersed “cloud” around Be as well as a cluster around the H nucleus.