Dana Scott: Geometry without Points

Ever since the compilers of Euclid's Elements gave the "definitions" that "a point is that which has no part" and "a line is breadthless length", philosophers and mathematicians have worried that the basic concepts of geometry are too abstract and too idealized. In the 20th

BMS Orientation

7 - 11 October 2019 Program Monday, 7 October: BMS Overview 10:00 am (sharp!) - 3:00 pm, BMS Loft, Urania (directions to URANIA) Our BMS student representatives, professors and the BMS office team will be glad to meet you and share with you: 10:00 - 11:45 All you need to know

26-27 September 2019: Workshop Combinatorial Optimization

Combinatorial Optimization is an active research area that developed from the rich interaction among many mathematical fields, including combinatorics, graph theory, geometry, optimization, probability, theoretical computer science, and many others. It combines algorithmic and complexity analysis with a mature mathematical foundation and it yields both

BMS Summer School 2019 on Mathematics of Deep Learning

August 19-30, at Zuse Institute Berlin Deep learning (DL) methodologies are currently showing tremendous success in a variety of applications. The BMS Summer School will offer lectures by international experts on both the theory of deep neural networks, on related questions such as generalization, expressivity, or

Digital Future Summit 2019

What’s Next in Artificial Intelligence? During the current German Science Year with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), and with regard to the recently published AI strategy of the German federal government, the 5thDigital Future Science Match bridged cutting-edge computer science with business and society to

BMS Fridays

Typically, there is a BMS colloquium every other Friday afternoon in the BMS Loft at Urania during term time. BMS Friday colloquia usually start at 2:15 pm. Tea and cookies are served before each talk at 1:00 pm. Directions how to get to the BMS Loft

SIAM Fellowship für Prof. Gitta Kutyniok

Die amerikanische „Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics“ SIAM hat Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok in die Class of Fellows 2019 aufgenommen. Damit werden ihre Beiträge zur Angewandten Harmonischen Analysis (Wavelet-Theorie, Shearlet-Theorie, Zeit-Frequenz-Analysis, etc.), zum Compressed Sensing und zu Bildgebenden Verfahren gewürdigt.