
Research in MATH+ is multifaceted and comprises project-oriented, and project-independent mathematics research. The project-oriented research in MATH+ is structured into Application Areas (AA), Emerging Fields (EF), Incubator Projects (IN), and the Partnership Area (PaA), and focuses on application-oriented mathematics. On the other hand, the research activities in the eight mathematical research areas in MATH+ are not restricted to the classical form of a project and aim at the progression in mathematics itself.

The MATH+ Application Areas (AAs) are tailored toward mathematical research in interdisciplinary application fields. They support cross-institution research projects that involve mathematicians as well as leading experts of the respective field of application. The following Application Areas are currently running:


The Emerging Fields (EFs) are devoted to pioneering interdisciplinary research in new fields including the social sciences and humanities. The following Emerging Fields are currently running:


The sociological project MATH+ as a Research Object aims at new insight into the ’leaky pipeline’ from qualifying to leading positions in academia through investigations of scientific recruitment in MATH+. The goal of the project is to identify existing gender differences, in particular in hiring processes, and to make suggestions for overcoming these differences.

The Partnership Area is an area of co-creation: joint interdisciplinary cooperation of project partners in the course of an application-specific mathematical innovation process. Further details can be found here.

The MATH+ Distinguished Fellowship is bestowed upon individuals in recognition of outstanding contributions to the mathematical sciences in general. The program’s goal is to support the work of world-leading mathematicians, who hold permanent professorships at one of the MATH+ partner institutions, i.e. FU, HU, TU Berlin, WIAS, or ZIB. MATH+ provides Distinguished Fellows with a fellowship allowance for fostering innovative ideas and research activities, initiating exciting, vibrant research collaborations, and expanding the international research network and activities of the Fellows.

There are currently five MATH+ Distinguished Fellows: Gavril Farkas, Peter K. Friz, Michael Joswig, Bruno Klingler, and Alexander Mielke.

For international colleagues, MATH+ offers funding as (Distinguished) Visiting Scholars.

The measures that MATH+ undertakes to support the research data management in its various projects are summarized on a separate page.

MATH+ Incubator Projects were short-term 12-month projects that were expected to have a high potential impact within the Topic Development Lab by advancing fundamental mathematics or building new bridges within mathematics or with closely related disciplines. Incubator Projects could only be applied for from 2019-2022.

Further details can be found here.

Mathematical Research Areas

The present mathematical research areas are:


  • Differential geometry, global analysis, and mathematical physics
  • Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory
  • Stochastics and mathematical finance
  • Discrete mathematics and optimization
  • Geometry, topology, and visualization
  • Numerical analysis and scientific computing
  • Applied analysis and differential equations
  • Mathematics of data science

The MATH+ Spotlight talks aim to strengthen the connections between ongoing research projects in MATH+ and keep MATH+ members up to date with what’s currently happing in the Cluster. They are meant to foster relations between and across Applications Areas and Emerging Fields as well as Incubator and Partnership projects. At the same idea, BMS Phase I students can get ideas for their dissertation topics. In each talk, the (post) doctoral researchers from the projects shine a spotlight onto their scientific work.

Further details can be found here.