Our message: Math is an essential part of day-to-day life; it is vivid, fascinating, and fun.
Reaching out to students and teachers is an important objective of MATH+. By organizing numerous activities, we want them to experience the fascinating variety of mathematics and give insights into latest research developments.
The MATH+ researchers engage in education not only out of altruism, but because it is of great importance to approach mathematical talents preferably at a young age.
Berlin is one of the largest and most diverse cities in Europe – also for mathematicians! We will dive into the world of graphs, which allow us to model discrete objects and their relationships, enabling us to solve many optimization problems efficiently. Among other things, we will explore how Leonhard Euler first studied graph theory through bridges and how his observations can help us traverse all the streets of our favorite neighborhood. There will be plenty of visuals – not only of graphs but also of Berlin!
In our day-to-day-live, we are surrounded by high-tech: we are connected via smartphones and notebooks, travel by car, train, and plane, benefit from medical devices and drugs.
All of this would be impossible without mathematics.
In the lecture series MATHINSIDE, MATH+ researchers talk about application areas of math and give comprehensible insights into their current research. The talks are intended for high school classes and are to broaden the students’ knowledge of the applications of math and to encourage the fascination with mathematical research.
The contest MATHEATHLON unites mathematics and physical education. On a racetrack, the participants have to solve simple mathematical problems. For correct answers, the runners obtain a bonus on their running time.
If you are interested in incorporating the MATHEATHLON into your PE classes or a sports festival, we are happy to support you. Free of charge, MATH+ provides schools and sport clubs with mathematical tasks with solutions for every grade and suggest rules for the competition. For more information, please contact us: schools@mathplus.de.
Each year, several schools and sport clubs make use of this offer – among them even schools abroad, like the German School Nairobi in Kenia.
Why does math advance the development of new cancer treatments? Why are mathematicians approached by pizza delivery services? Why do search engines rely on the power of mathematics? Often, we are not aware that math plays in important role in many application areas. Hence, we ask: What’s math got to do with it?
In former activities, MATH+ researchers describe how math applies to their research projects and solves problems. The clips are complemented by worksheets with further questions and tasks, as well as comments on the used math.
If you like our suggestions and working material, you are encouraged to share it with your colleagues.