06-08 October – Kick-off Workshop of the Thematic Einstein Semester on ”Mathematics of Imaging in Real-World Challenges”

Poster from WIAS/Thomas Bender (this is a poster cut-out; full poster download see below)
The Kick-off Workshop of the Thematic Einstein Semester (Winter Semester 2021/22) on “Mathematics of Imaging in Real-World Challenges” will take place at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt Institute Berlin (PTB) on 06-08 October 2021. See more details on the registration below.
This event will bring together practitioners, biomedical engineers, computer vision and machine learning experts, as well as applied mathematicians in order to exchange on the current developments in applications and theory of imaging science. This meeting will be designed to foster interdisciplinary collaborative teams to identify and address the most pressing issues in the field.
Apart from the invited talks, the Kick-off workshop will include a special section on Public Software and Rewarding in Science, a podium discussion on Career Pathways, and a poster session for students and young researchers.
Hans-Christian Hege (ZIB)
Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin, WIAS)
Tobias Schäffter (TU Berlin, PTB)
Gabriele Steidl (TU Berlin)
Young Academy committee
Felix Ambellan (ZIB)
Robert Beinert (TU Berlin)
Christoph Kolbitsch (PTB)
Kostas Papafitsoros (WIAS)
Christoph von Tycowicz (FU Berlin, ZIB)
Note regarding the COVID-19 pandemic
The Kick-off workshop will have both online and in-person participation – please see the detailed program below. We strongly encourage early registration since, in order to meet the protection measures, limited numbers of seats (at most 80) will be available at the venue. Standard full vaccination or negative test certificates will be required for in-person participation.
More information about the registration, the program, and the speakers: