Application Area 4 “Energy Transition”

A secure, efficient and sustainable energy supply is a key priority for society. The operating environments for energy systems have changed drastically over the past decade and have created a need for fundamental revisions to classical practices in almost all energy sectors. Based on former research results in concrete energy topics, MATH+ research addresses now challenges in a hierarchical and holistic perspective starting from detailed models for storage devices (e.g. batteries, gas/water reservoirs) via distribution networks (e.g. hydrogen/power) towards energy markets (e.g. spot/financial).

AA4 cooperates with engineers, physicists and economists to develop new mathematical methods for modeling, simulation, optimization, risk analysis and real-time decision-making under uncertainty in energy production/distribution under market conditions. The research topics include stochastic modeling of electricity markets, rough and stochastic analysis, control and equilibria for energy markets, model estimation and validation of dynamic processes, simulation and optimization of energy networks and energy-efficient devices as well as optimization with probabilistic constraints.


Previous denomination of AA4 (2019-2022): Energy and Markets


Scientists in Charge: Peter Karl Friz, René Henrion, Caren Tischendorf


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