Transforming the World

through Mathematics

MATH+ (Distinguished) Visiting Scholars

The MATH+ Visiting Scholarship Program aims to enhance the international profile of MATH+ by providing support for longer visits by outstanding scientists and scholars from around the world. The program primarily aims to invite researchers whose expertise can promote specific areas of mathematical excellence in Berlin. This includes both early career researchers (MATH+ Visiting Scholars) and senior researchers (MATH+ Distinguished Visiting Scholars). In general, it is intended that MATH+ (Distinguished) Visiting Scholars will visit Berlin for a period of several months (usually 1-6 months) to work on joint projects with colleagues from MATH+ and be available for discussions with junior researchers and BMS students. In particular, they are expected to offer, for example, a course, seminar, or block course, possibly within the frame of a summer school.


The following professors have been selected as (Distinguished) Visiting Scholars:

Aleksander Doan (UCL/Cambridge), 2024

Annette Werner (U Frankfurt), 2024

José Verschae (PUC Chile), 2024

Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv U), 2023-2024

Vijay Natarajan (IISc Bangalore), 2023-2024

Alex Blumenthal (Georgia Institute of Technology), 2023

Omid Aminicole Polytechnique, Palaiseau), 2022-2023

Claude Le Bris (CERMICS, ENPC), 2022-2023

Thomas McCormick (UBC), 2022

Alexander Govorov (U Ohio), 2021

Rolf Krause (U Lugano), 2020