MATH+ Distinguished Visiting Scholar Award for Prof. Alexander O. Govorov of Ohio University

MATH+ has awarded Professor Alexander O. Govorov as MATH+ Distinguished Visiting Scholar 2021. This award includes support for several visits of the nominee to Berlin in 2021, 2022, and 2023. In August 2021, MATH+ welcomes Professor Dr. Alexander O. Govorov to join the MATH+ community on his first visit.
Alexander O. Govorov is the E. and R. Kennedy Distinguished Professor at the Ohio University (US). He is considered one of the world’s leading experts in theoretical condensed-matter physics. He studies optical and electronic phenomena in nanostructures such as quantum dots, quantum rings, colloidal nanocrystals, and nanowires. Moreover, Alexander O. Govorov made essential contributions to topics such as chirality, plasmonics, hot electron dynamics, and exciton/plasmon coupling. His scientific contributions are internationally recognized.
During his visits, Prof. Govorov will be a guest at Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) and will closely collaborate with the Computational Nano Optics group at ZIB. Topics of the planned collaboration are investigations of quantum and classical multiscale models, their numerical realizations, and applications to energy research and photonics. This includes physics motivated methods for eigenvalue problems, models for resonance mode expansion, as well as Bayesian approaches for optimization. The collaboration is tightly linked to MATH+ projects of the Application Areas AA2 (Materials, Light, Devices) and AA4 (Energy and Markets).
Besides his research work, Prof. Govorov will be engaged in education, giving lectures on energetic charge carrier generation for energy applications and on electromagnetic chirality transfer in plasmonic nanostructures.
Prof. Govorov is quite familiar with Berlin’s mathematics due to his previous visits to MATH+ in 2019 and 2020.
Further information:
Prof. Alexander O. Govorov, Ohio University: College of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Alexander O. Govorov, Ohio University: Department of Physics and Astronomy
Computational Nano Optics research group at Zuse Institute Berlin