MATH+ Day 2020 – New Chair of MATH+: Christof Schütte

On 6 November, the second MATH+ Day took place with more than 140 participants and, like most of the events this year, entirely online. After months of digital events and teaching, we are well used to that format now; only the traditional research poster session in the afternoon posed the challenge of how to arrange a vivid discussion while NOT standing in front of a poster. However, everything went well in individual rooms, and the participants enjoyed the exchange of ideas and comments.
The MATH+ Days started with the meeting of the General Assembly and the report by the MATH+ chair, Martin Skutella, from Technische Universität Berlin. Afterwards, the MATH+ members elected a new chair and board. We are happy to announce that Christof Schütte from Freie Universität Berlin accepted the election and will serve as Chair of MATH+ for the next two years. Congratulations! We are looking forward to another exciting two years of MATH+ research, activities, and events. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Martin Skutella for his great work in representing MATH+ as chair for the last two years.
After the General Assembly, the presentations of the research results in the Application Areas, the Emerging Fields, and the Transfer Unit of the last two years followed showing the diversity of topics and the various activities of so many interdisciplinary and trans-institutional collaborations. Mathematicians are working together with colleagues from the life sciences, transport and network disciplines, material sciences, and humanities and social sciences. Additional presentations of the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), the Thematic Einstein Semester (TES), and the Sociological Research Project on MATH+ provided a comprehensive overview of the wide range of MATH+ activities.
The MATH+ Day ended with lively discussion in the virtual poster sessions of the Application Areas, the Emerging Fields, and the Transfer Unit.