28 October – “Improving the World with Mathematics?” MATH+ Presentation at the Humboldt Forum

© Berlin Mathematical School / Kay Herschelmann
Humboldt Forum | Schloßplatz, 10178 Berlin | Saal 2
Date: 28 October 2021 | Time: 19:00-20:30
(The event is in German.)
As part of the science series MitWissenschaft, the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ will be presented on 28 October at 19:00 at the Humboldt Forum with the topic: “Improving the world with mathematics? New solutions for the problems of an increasingly complex world”. MitWissenschaft is the science series of the Humboldt Forum and its first season is dedicated to Berlin’s seven Clusters of Excellence that have contributed to the concept and content of the Humboldt Lab After Nature exhibition. Tickets can be purchased in advance online as well as on-site.
Our world is becoming increasingly complex, digitization is advancing, and ever-greater volumes of data are being produced every day. How can we use this data to tackle major challenges facing our society or contribute to progress, such as sustainable energy supply, individualized medicine, or the analysis of social processes? For years, Berlin has been a first-class address for application-oriented mathematics. Within the framework of the cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary Cluster of Excellence MATH+, scientists are researching and developing new approaches in application-oriented mathematics.
At the event, MATH+ scientists will introduce aspects of the research spectrum with lectures and discussions on the mathematical process within several interdisciplinary projects:
- Life Sciences, by Frank Noé (FU Berlin) and Edda Klipp (HU Berlin);
- Artificial Intelligence, by Gabriele Steidl (TU Berlin) and Sebastian Pokutta (TU Berlin/ZIB);
- Mobility, by Ralf Borndörfer (FU Berlin/ZIB) and Energy, by Caroline Geiersbach (WIAS), and
- the science communication format “Decision Theatre”, by Sarah Wolf (FU Berlin).
Volker Wieprecht, a German radio journalist and RBB broadcast presenter, will lead through the event. Questions and discussions will follow each topic.
Welcome to participate!
For those who are interested and might not be able to attend, there is the opportunity to follow the MATH+ presentation on the “MitWissenschaft” website some days later.