Thematic Einstein Semester

Mathematics for Quantum Technologies

Summer Semester 2024

The semester is organized within the framework of the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ and supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. We are committed to fostering an atmosphere of respect, collegiality, and sensitivity. Please read our MATH+ Collegiality Statement.

Scope of the Semester

The Thematic Einstein semester “Mathematics for Quantum Technologies” aims to shed light on the mathematical aspects of the rapidly developing fields of quantum information processing, quantum cryptography, and quantum metrology. The related novel quantum technologies, which will vastly outperform their classical counterparts in certain tasks, rely to a significant extent on complex mathematical theory that closely links numerous areas of applied mathematics. During the semester it is intended to bring together young researchers and experienced scholars from mathematics, theoretical physics, engineering and related disciplines in a number of workshops, a summer school and further activities.

Kick-Off Event: Quantum Computing in Academia and Industry (April 16 at Technical University Berlin)

The Kick-Off Event will cover presentations on selected topics from the field of quantum information theory and quantum computing with speakers from academia and industry.

More details can be found on the website.

Workshop: Annual Meeting Photonic Devices | AMPD 2024 (April 17-19 at Zuse Institute Berlin)

The topics of the AMPD are simulation, physical properties, and deeper understanding of novel photonic devices. The AMPD2024 will focus in particular on devices for quantum technology, with the aim of an exchange between the mathematics and physics communities.

More details can be found at the workshop homepage.

Workshop: Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Networks (May 13-14 at Harnack Haus)

Communication and cryptography are amongst the most exciting applications of quantum information science. Quantum key distribution, which enables information-theoretically secure communication, is arguably the most mature quantum information technology to date and a future quantum internet could be harnessed to achieve secure, high-performance distributed computing over multi-partite networks. This field combines the study of cryptography, quantum information theory, photonic, atomic and solid-state physics. This workshop is intended to combine cutting-edge research talks for advanced researchers with invited tutorials for students and researchers newer to the field.

More details can be found at the workshop homepage.

Quantum Wednesday: Quantum Chaos and Non-Hermitian Physics in Optical Microcavities (May 15 at Zuse Institute Berlin)

Seminar with two lectures by Jan Wiersig and Julius Kullig from the University of Magdeburg.

More details can be found on this website.

Advanced Lecture Series: Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Control (May 16, 17, 27 and 29)

Ronnie Kosloff (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) will give an advanced course covering four lectures on the theory of open quantum systems, quantum thermodynamics and quantum control.

More details can be found on this website.

Workshop: Quantum Optimal Control – From Mathematical Foundations to Quantum Technologies (May 21-24 at Free University Berlin and Zuse Institute Berlin)

Optimal quantum control theory is devoted to the design of control fields and pulse sequences that accomplish specific tasks in the operation of a quantum device in the best possible way. The field has become one of the cornerstones for enabling quantum technologies and encompasses a wide variety of aspects ranging from controllability theory to algorithms for numerical solution of optimal control problems by itself. This workshop will provide an overview of recent trends and challenges in the field. In addition to research talks, the workshop will also include a hands-on tutorial.

More details can be found on the workshop homepage.

Summer School and Workshop: Tensor Methods in Quantum Simulation (June 3-7 at Zuse Institute Berlin)

The simulation and analysis of high-dimensional quantum systems on classical computers often face unsurpassable challenges due to the curse of dimensionality. This workshop demonstrates the power of tensor decompositions in solving high-dimensional quantum systems on classical computers. We show how tensor-based solvers compute solutions for master and Schrödinger equations, simulate quantum circuits using tensor-train format, and apply tensorized data-driven methods in machine learning. The event consists of a three-day summer school with tutorials on tensor methods for quantum systems, followed by a two-day research workshop featuring presentations on the latest advancements. Participants gain comprehensive understanding and practical skills to tackle high-dimensional problems in various domains.

More details can be found on the workshop homepage.

Quantum Wednesday: Kalman Filtering for Noise Characterization in Optical Frequency Combs (June 26 at Weierstrass Institute Berlin)

Seminar talk by Jasper Riebesehl (Denmark Technical University, Machine Learning in Photonic Systems) on characterization of phase noise in lasers and optical frequency combs.

More details can be found on this website.

Quantum Wednesday: Quantum Sensing With Ultra-Cold Gases (July 6 at Zuse Institute Berlin)

Two seminar talks by Naceur Gaaloul and Gabriel Müller from the Leibniz University Hannover on quantum sensing with ultra cold gases and numerical simulations for precision atom interferometry.

More details can be found on this website.

Quantum Wednesday: Variational Gaussian Approximation for Quantum Dynamics (July 10 at Weierstrass Institute Berlin)

Seminar talk by Caroline Lasser (Technical University of Munich) on approximate solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation with smooth magnetic and electric potentials using Gaussian wave packets.

More details can be found on this website.

Advanced Lecture Series: Forces of the Quantum Vacuum (July 15–19)

Ulf Leonhardt (Weizmann Institute of Science) will give an advanced lecture series covering four lectures on quantum electrodynamics with focus on the forces arising from vacuum fluctuations. The course gives a brief, self-consistent introduction into the theory behind the forces of the quantum vacuum. It does not require experience in quantum field theory, but mathematical skills in using complex analysis and conformal mapping for elegant calculations. The goal is to acquire intuition and mathematical procedures for learning how to manipulate vacuum forces in technology.

More details can be found on this website.

Workshop: Applied Mathematics and Simulation for Semiconductor Devices | AMaSiS 2024 (September 10-13 at Weierstrass Institute Berlin)

AMaSiS 2024 is an interdisciplinary workshop dedicated to mathematical modeling, analysis and numerical simulation of semiconductor devices. Devices of interest range from opto-electronic devices and classical electronics to semiconductor devices for quantum technology applications. The conference brings together experts from applied mathematics, physics, engineering, and material science.

The research workshop is accompanied by a day of tutorials and lectures on central topics such as quantum transport theory, electronic structure theory, and software tutorials.

More details can be found on the workshop homepage.