The DFG excellence cluster MATH+ in Berlin organizes a Thematic Einstein Semester on Optimization and Machine Learning during the summer term 2023. In this context, a focused workshop titled “Exploring synergies: Machine Learning Meets Physics & Optimization” will take place.
The workshop, which is scheduled to take place from April 26-28, 2023 at the Zuse Institute Berlin, is intended to be a small-scale, in-person meeting. The presentations will be divided into three sessions, and the workshop is expected to host 60-70 participant.
We are thrilled to announce that the workshop will feature eight keynote talks (lasting 45 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for questions), as well as fourteen regular talks (with 25 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions). The talks will focus on the latest research at the intersection of Machine Learning, Physics, and Optimization.
The workshop will run sessions, one each day. Below is the schedule for each day.
Coffee break
Every solution, everywhere, all at once: turning optimization solvers into probability distributions
Machine Learning for Engineering (keynote)
Lunch break
Learning to accelerate global solutions for nonconvex programs: algorithms and applications (keynote)
Coffee break
TBD (keynote) CANCELLED!
Coffee break
Taming turbulence with many actuators, many sensors and machine learning (keynote) CANCELLED!
Lunch break
Coffee break
Coffee break
Lunch break
Coffee break
Looking forward to welcoming you all soon in Berlin!
The workshop will take place the main lecture hall (n. 2005) and in the seminar room (n. 2006) of the Zuse Institute Berlin, Takustraße 7, 14195 Berlin, DE.
Here you can find info on how to get to the institute and navigate the campus.
Local organizers: Gabriele Iommazzo and Kartikey Sharma
External organizers: Pascal Van Hentenryck, Paris Perdikaris, Marc Pfetsch
UPDATE: registration closed on April 10th, 2023.
Participation in the workshop will be free of charge although subject to availability. Registration is mandatory. To register, please fill in the following form.
If you have any further inquiries, please contact us at