EF45 – Multi-Agent Social Systems



Concentration Effects and Collective Variables in Agent-Based Systems

Project Heads

Jobst Heitzig, Péter Koltai, Nora Molkenthin, Stefanie Winkelmann

Project Members

Marvin Lücke

Project Duration

01.02.2021 − 31.01.2024

Located at



In this project, stochastic dynamics on networks of interacting agents and their projection onto low-dimensional collective variables were investigated. General conditions for the convergence in the large population limit to a mean-field ordinary differential equation have been proved. Moreover, data-driven methods for algorithmically learning and understanding collective variables for spreading processes on networks have been developed. The methods have been applied to famous types of networks, such as Erdős–Rényi random graphs, stochastic block models, and scale-free networks generated by the Albert–Barabási model.

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