MATH+ Thematic Einstein Semester (TES) in Summer Semester 2022

From April to September 2022, the Cluster of Excellence MATH+ will organize a Thematic Einstein Semester (TES) on “The Mathematics of Complex Social Systems: Past, Present, and Future”.
Combining a series of events and research visits of guests, the TES aims at unlocking the potential for mathematical modeling and reasoning within the modern Social Sciences and the Humanities. Drawing on various mathematical fields, the focus of the TES will be on the foundations of agent-based models, network dynamics and data-driven methods as well as on applications. It shall bring together young researchers and experienced scholars from mathematics and other disciplines.
One of the main events is the TES Summer school (9-17 June 2022), organized in cooperation with the BMS and the School of Complex Adaptive Systems at Arizona State University. This summer school shall bring together an international and interdisciplinary group of Master and Ph.D. students to learn about different modeling approaches for complex social systems through a series of expert lectures and hands-on workshops. Topics will include agent-based and network models with applications, for example, in opinion dynamics and the evolution of cooperation, as well as economics and archeological research. The submission deadline for the summer school is 01 April 2022.
Most of the events will take place at Zuse Institute Berlin and be hybrid.
For details on the program, workshops, summer school, and registration