MATH+ Project “Schule@DecisionTheatreLab” Wins BUA-Funding for Innovative Science Communication Format

With its call for proposals on “Experimental Science Communication Laboratories”, the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) aimed at the development and practical implementation of innovative formats for science communication. The MATH+ project “Schule@DecisionTheatreLab” was selected and will receive funding for three years.
The successful project proposal Schule@DecisionTheatreLab, headed by Sarah Wolf (FU Berlin), was developed by a consortium of six members from the three Berlin universities and is based on the collaborative research of the Cluster of Excellence MATH+. One aim is to highlight the relevance of mathematics and modeling concerning many societal questions and problems.
Schule@DecisionTheatreLab combines two science communication formats: the School Lab Workshops, i.e., lectures and workshops at schools to teach students about the multiple real-world implications of mathematics; on the other hand, the Decision Theatre, a discussion format that visualizes potential impacts of alternative actions on screens, based on mathematical modeling, in support of discussions about societal challenges, such as Covid-19 or sustainable mobility.
Both communication formats will also be investigated from a mathematics-didactics and social science perspective and thus continuously improved.
Read more about the concept of the Schule@DecisionTheatreLab (in English or in German)