MATH+ Distinguished Visiting Scholar Claude Le Bris at FU Berlin

MATH+ is delighted to welcome Professor Dr. Claude Le Bris of École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC) to join the MATH+ community as a MATH+ Distinguished Visiting Scholar in November, hosted by Ralf Kornhuber of Freie Universität Berlin. The title “Distinguished Visiting Scholar” is given to outstanding scientists and scholars from around the world with high international visibility. He is quite familiar with Berlin mathematics due to his former position as a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the DFG Research Center Matheon.
Claude Le Bris is a research scientist at CERMICS, the research center in applied mathematics at École des Ponts ParisTech, France, and a visiting professor at the University of Chicago. He is also the scientific leader of the research team “Mathematics for Materials” MATHERIALS (formerly MICMAC) on multiscale computational mechanics at INRIA, France.
As an internationally recognized expert, he works at the interface of applied analysis and numerics, with a particular focus on multiscale methods and homogenization both for deterministic and stochastic problems. His research interests cover a wide range of mathematical analysis and numerical methods for partial differential equations, with contributions in several areas, including the mathematics of computational chemistry and physics, multiscale problems, homogenization theory, and modeling for quantum computing. Given his wide range of experience in multiscale problems and computational chemistry, there will be collaborations with projects from the DFG Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1114 “Scaling cascades in complex systems”, and his visit will provide inspiring perspectives for MATH+ and the CRS.
Along with his research work, he will also be engaged in teaching, holding the block course for “Multiscale Problems and Homogenization” offered at Freie Universität Berlin. The lectures substantially contribute to the teaching program of the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS). They are intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of mathematics and engineering. The kick-off lecture will take place on 10 November (14:15-18:00) at FU Berlin.
Claude Le Bris will stay in Berlin from November 2022 to February 2023 and from April to July 2023, hosted by the collaborating groups of the MATH+ members Ana Djurdjevac, Rupert Klein, Claudia Schillings, and Ralf Kornhuber.
Read more:
- DFG Collaborative Research Center: (CRC) 1114 “Scaling cascades in complex systems”:
- Block Course by Claude Le Bris at FU Berlin from 10 November to 15 December