Project Heads
Prof. Christof Schütte (ZIB/FU Berlin), Prof. Tim Conrad (FU Berlin/ZIB), Dr. Nataša Djurdjevac Conrad (ZIB)
Project Members
Cooperation Partner
TU Berlin: Prof. Kai Nagel
HU Berlin: Prof. Dirk Brockmann
Project Duration
Located at
Zuse Institute Berlin
In this joint project (TU Berlin, HU Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin) complex model applications are used to investigate the infection dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in an urban, regional and national context.
The central idea of the project is to build a pipeline that allows to quickly generate synthetic persons with mobility patterns for any region in Germany, to subject these persons to infection dynamics, and to test the response of the infection dynamics to different interventions (e.g. school closures) in order to subsequently evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions.
In this subproject, the research groups at Zuse Institute Berlin (Prof. Schütte, Prof. T. Conrad, Dr. N. Djurdjevac Conrad) are working on developing new methods for modeling, simulation and analysis of infection dynamics, that will be integrated into the existing prototypes.
human mobility, mathematical model, infection dynamics, COVID-19 in Berlin
Project Type
Project Funding
BMBF Funding