BMS Alumnus Receives Tiburtius Recognition Award

BMS alumnus Marc James Curran was recognized for his scientific achievement by the 2019 State Conference of Rectors and Presidents of Berlin Universities (Landeskonferenz der Rektoren und Präsidenten der Berliner Hochschulen).
Mark was honored with a Tiburtius recognition award for his doctoral dissertation entitled “The hysteretic limit of a reaction-diffusion system with a small parameter“, in which he established the equivalence of a broad class of mathematical models for ensembles of biological organisms that has many applied and theoretical implications for scientists working in the field. He completed his PhD under the supervision of Pavel Gurevich and graduated from FU Berlin in 2018 with summa cum laude. Mark is now an analyst and software engineer in an American company in Berlin. His award came with prize money in the sum of 500 Euros.
The State Conference of Rectors and Presidents of Berlin Universities (LKRP) annually awards three Tiburtius Prizes and three awards of recognition to recent PhD graduates from Berlin’s universities for their outstanding doctoral theses. The prize-giving ceremony was held at TU Berlin on 19 December 2019.
Many congratulations to Mark!