Transforming the World

through Mathematics


MATH+ Member Carlos Améndola and Co-Authors Win Prestigious SIAM Review SIGEST Award

MATH+ Member Carlos Améndola and Co-Authors Win Prestigious SIAM Review SIGEST Award for Outstanding Publication

Carlos Améndola (TU Berlin), along with collaborators Anna Seigal (Harvard University), Kathlén Kohn (KTH Stockholm), and Philipp Reichenbach (TU Berlin), has been awarded the highly regarded SIAM Review SIGEST Award by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) for their publication on „Invariant Theory and Scaling Algorithms for Maximum Likelihood Estimation.“
MATH+ Professor Max von Kleist (FU Berlin) als Experte in den Medien zu innovativer HIV-Therapie und KI-gestützter Pandemie-Modellierung

MATH+ Professor Max von Kleist (FU Berlin) in den Medien zu innovativer HIV-Therapie und KI-gestützter Pandemie-Modellierung

Max von Kleist, Professor für „Mathematics for Data Scienes“ an der Freien Universität Berlin, Forscher am Robert-Koch-Institut und MATH+ Professor, äußerte sich in Medienbeiträgen zu zwei hochaktuellen Themen: dem neuen HIV-Wirkstoff Lenacapavir und dem Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) zur Pandemiebekämpfung. (English version in the links)
Jürg Kramer Appointed DMV President

Jürg Kramer Appointed President of the German Mathematical Society (DMV)

We are delighted that the German Mathematical Society (DMV) has appointed MATH+ member and former BMS Chair Jürg Kramer as its President for a second term, effective 1 January 2025. Jürg Kramer, who previously served as DMV Treasurer (2003–2012) and as President (2013–2014), will succeed Joachim Escher of Leibniz Universität Hannover. Congratulations!
New MATH+ Chairs

New Chairs for the Berlin Excellence Cluster MATH+

At the annual MATH+ Day on 18 October 2024, the General Assembly elected new Chairs Andrea Walther (HU Berlin), Claudia Schillings (FU Berlin), and Sebastian Pokutta (TU Berlin) and bid farewell to former Chairs Michael Hintermüller, Christof Schütte, and Martin Skutella, thanking them for their contributions since 2019.