DZLM becomes part of IPN Kiel
The German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education (Deutsches Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Mathematik – DZLM) will become part of the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik – IPN) in Kiel with a new department at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU). The DZLM has been connecting science and practice for 10 years with seminars aimed at mathematics teachers throughout Germany. Funded by the Deutsche Telekom Foundation, the DZLM developed over 50 different training tools and 12 online self-learning platforms. Research at nine participating German universities achieved new understanding of learning processes and language tools in mathematics and other natural science subjects and will continue to be the basis for specific educator and teacher seminars. Prof. Dr. Jürg Kramer will be the director of the newly founded department for “subject specific knowledge transfer” (Fachbezogener Erkenntnistransfer) at his home university HU, where he has also been the director of the DZLM until now.
It is the first time that an initiative in teacher education funded through a foundation will be continued as part of a publicly funded institution. The DZLM was founding partner of ECMath and will remain a partner for MATH+ in its activities towards schools.
For the full-length press information in German click here.