Next generation networks with their abundance of real-time data represent a prime example of how increasing digitization raises the technological and social need of progressing mathematization. The wealth of interconnections between formerly mostly independent entities is creating new and complex network structures and fundamentally changing the way in which existing networks (such as, e.g., traffic, logistics, telecommunication, energy, biological, and social networks) can be analyzed, designed and operated, what users expect, and how they behave and interact.
Berlin is an internationally leading site in the fields of algorithmic discrete mathematics with particular emphasis on network optimization and its applications in traffic, logistics, and telecommunication.
Building on this strength, AA3 develops the necessary mathematical foundations and efficient algorithmic techniques for dealing with next generation networks that are large and complex, changing and evolving over time, and can often not be observed directly or in their entirety.
Projects in AA3 target applications in public and individual traffic, logistics, and computer graphics, as well as more fundamental research in modern areas of algorithmic discrete mathematics including connections to neural networks and artificial intelligence.
Previous denomination of AA3 (2019-2022): Networks
Projects marked with an asterisk (*) are short-term one-year pilot projects.
Scientists in Charge: Ralf Borndörfer, Martin Skutella
Successfully completed projects: