AA2 – Materials, Light, Devices



Modeling and Analysis of Suspension Flows

Project Heads

Volker Mehrmann, Dirk Peschka, Matthias Rosenau, Marita Thomas, Barbara Wagner

Project Members

Mohammad Hassan Farshbaf Shaker (WIAS), Sven Tornquist (WIAS) 

Project Duration

01.01.2019 – 31.12.2020

Located at



The goal of the MATH+ project AA2-4 Modeling and analysis of suspension flows is to derive a unified continuum model applicable from dilute to dense, jammed suspensions. Their mathematical description provides an ongoing challenge since suspensions show much different behavior in different concentration regimes: While dilute suspensions, i.e., mixtures with low volume fraction and large particle distances, have small or negligible interparticle interaction, concentrated or dense suspensions have strong interactions that lead to constitutive material laws not present in standard fluids: Here, interparticle interactions generate a normal pressure, which is a major driving force for shear induced particle migration. While the effective material laws for dilute suspensions are satisfactorily captured by the thesis of Albert Einstein, these laws clearly fail for the transition to the dense or jammed regime. For the prediction of suspension behavior in applications it would be a major success to establish a single model that captures all these different effects and thus allows for the transition between the different regimes. It is a joint project with the Technische Universität Berlin (V. Mehrmann) and the Weierstrass Institute (D. Peschka, M. Thomas, B. Wagner), that also involves the close collaboration with the German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ (M. Rosenau).

Selected Publications

Preliminary work:

  • D. Peschka, M. Thomas, T. Ahnert, A. Münch, and B. Wagner, Gradient structures for flows of concentrated suspensions, Springer-CIM Series, 2019.

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